"I move the motion be indefinitely postponed."

The membership of PKD was expanding rapidly with 121 chapters (118 active) and almost 8000 members, a growth unique in other forensic organizations. The treasury could boast of almost $16000.00.

Several trends continued that had been developing. The first was that the tournament and student-oriented sections of the convention continued to expand in participation while the business sessions continued to be briefer and less emphasized.

Once again PKD student representatives were elected and as first established in the 1924 convention they continued to take more responsibility in organizing the tournaments themselves. 

The contests themselves continued the focus on Debate, Oration and Extempore established at the 1926 national, but women competitors continued to make gains in participation in these areas, the numbers rivaling the participation of their male counterparts. 

An issue again, however, was the clause first inserted into the PKD constitution at the 1922 National Convention that excluded African American  members and African American IColleges from participation and membership in Pi Kappa Delta. The clause was challeged in the business sections of the Ohio convention, albeit for the time being, unsuccessfully,  when the motion was indefinitely postponed.